
Feb 7, 2017

Poem: How The Joker Became The President


They gave him the high ground
That was their mistake
They should never have given him the high ground


“I want to become president,” he said, for the 15th time, and they all laughed.
“No, I really do, I’m serious, I really am,” and they laughed even harder.
“Why don’t the billionaire who cried wolf cry his way to the presidency?” a spectator mocked.
“We all know you have to be born in one out of two families to become president, that’s written in stone, just like the constitution,” another one said.
“The constitution was written on hemp,” a guy in the back said, and they chuckled some more.

There was silence.

“Well, you have to make it into the debates, without that, there is no chance no matter how good you are.”
“There is no voting. You have to be invited by the private corporations that run them.”
“I know. I can’t be perceived as threat. If they know I’m serious they won’t have me on.”
“That’s true. They won’t.”

And that is how a spoiled billionaire’s son became The Joker that eventually became The President.

He JOKED his way into the debates, SHIT-TALKED his way through the primaries, and BULLDOZED his way through the CROOKED CUNT also known as “Hillary”.


They gave him the high ground
That was their mistake
They should never have given him the high ground


He ran on a real-men-like-steak and Eastern European women agenda.
Little did the world know that the corrupt Washington elite siphoned children’s blood as their agenda.

The Donald was SLAMMED for liking women.
Meanwhile, they were off on some caribbean island raping children.

The Donald was SLAMMED for not letting ILLEGAL immigrants into the country.
Meanwhile, the administration was off bombing the shit out of perfectly legal citizens in other countries.

Without asking the congress
Without asking the congress
Why ask the congress when you can declare war with an executive order?


The debates began, and he won every single one.
He got tougher questions, more attacks, and the media turned against him.
But HE also turned on THEM.

The Donald versus every media corporation in western civilization, a fair fight, who was to win this epic battle of the century?


They gave him a platform
That was their mistake
They should never have given him that platform


The debates progressed, and the system became more vile. The media attacked him more than ever before.

But The Donald had deep knowledge of the human psyche. He knew it could not only be about attack or defense - it was too negative and people would tune out.

So he celebrated.
And he celebrated.
In a world full of corruption and hate, we all need a little celebration -- right?

This man, this jokster who is now The President, went through the HARDEST TEST the world has ever known. He can now use the skills that made him pass that test to be an effective president.


After the first debate
It was already over
For in 70 years of HARD LIVING
The Donald has yet to give up the high ground